Amrita's Blog
Food for your Mind and HeartSafety, Value and Power
Where is the Source of your Safety, Value and Power? One of my greatest joys in life is watching my clients grow their self-leadership and find their SAFETY, VALUE and POWER INSIDE instead of trying...
Poetry Thursday, Goethe on Commitment
Let's talk about Commitment and its inherent Magic. I often hear hesitation and doubts when my clients talk about a dream or a goal that they want to achieve. Even though they've already overcome...
Celebrate your achievements
So today was the last class of Self-Leadership and Influence at the Geneva Business School for the Spring semester. And after two days of high fever I am so glad I made it today. The students final...
Seven simples ways to get your energy back
I cannot help but share, with her permission, the golden nuggets that my brilliant CFO client came up with when I asked: ''After this tiring week, how will you get your energy back? '' Here are 7...
Values are verbs
Looking at the values that make my life meaningful I noticed that they are verbs, they are based on ACTION. Loving. Learning. Getting inspired. Inspiring others. Teaching. Sharing Joy. Moving the...
Are you a Creator or Reactor?
C. R. E. A. T. E. or R. E. A. C. T.? These words have the same letters, the only difference is the E for Energy. Are you a Creator or a Reactor when you start the day? Each morning you can either...