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How can you be happy and resilient in a world going bonkers?

par | Avr 3, 2022 | Coaching

Spring has sprung, can you believe it ?

But the real question is: « In a world going bonkers, how can you be happy and resilient ? »

More than ever, the planet needs happy and resilient people, isn’t it ?

So let’s talk about this today.

Do you know what’s the major internal obstacle to being happy and resilient?

It’s the human mind’s oldest emotional equation:

« When [fill in the blank] happens, then I will finally feel [fill in the blank]. »

« When Covid ends, then I will feel free. When holidays come, then I will feel relaxed. When I get this promotion, then I will feel appreciated. »

Do you believe that something external needs to happen before you can feel a certain way ?

That your joy, your love, your motivation, your excitement and your energy start somewhere outside of yourself ?

Then just fill in the blank, and wait, and keep waiting! You may wait for a long time.

This « deductive approach » as John Overdurf, my NLP Master calls it, clearly is disempowering and demotivating. It creates misery, a lack mindset, it just doesn’t work and keeps you waiting there.

In order to be happy and resilient you need an « inductive approach » where YOU feel happy and resilient BEFORE anything changes on the outside.

Spiritual traditions are the first to remind us that the source of everything we need resides inside us, this is true. Spirituality and Meditation are powerful inductive approaches. 

And as an NLP Coach, I use a powerful inductive technique called « anchoring »: a process to create an « anchor » in your nervous system to feel good, or grateful, or excited, or motivated independently of the circumstances

Neuroscience has confirmed the inductive approach: your brain works like a muscle – the more you feel a certain emotion and think a certain way, the easier it is to feel it. Your brain will grow new neuropathways and if you train them, they become your default state, as if you grew new happiness muscles.

Careful, this is also true for opposite emotions: the more often you feel angry, the more easily your nervous system will create anger. So choose carefully. The more often you feel curious, motivated, open, courageous, forgiving, compassionate, loving, joyful….the more easily you access these emotional states.

So now more than ever it’s critical to remember that:

Your happiness starts from inside. Take the time to create your emotional state. Choose the inductive approach.

Choose anything else that brings the best out of you.

Meditate. Spend time with your loved ones. Go to nature. Play your favorite instrument. Dance. Journal. Feed your Mind with inspiring ideas. Sing. Work out. Cook.

You know better what makes YOU feel happy and resilient!

Just don’t wait, waiting is really a problem. « I can’t now, so I’ll do it later. We’ll have more time later. »

But you know it… tomorrow never comes.

So starting from NOW, which small action can you take that your future Self will thank you for?

And since you have read this article till here (congrats !) I’m offering an opportunity to the first three people who write me  to have an experience of Priming and Anchoring, with a gifted NLP Coaching session.

Happy Spring.

And thank you for being in my World.

Be blessed.


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