There are seasons in your professional life. From November to March, the recurring topics for my clients worked were mental and emotional exhaustion, burn-out, confusion, feeling stuck, and finally finding strength and resilience to leave an unhealthy work environment in the most empowering way possible.
This Spring, my clients have been starting their new professional chapter. So we work on what needs to happen in the first 3 weeks and 3 months of a new role.
This induction period is crucial to establish yourself as a leader in your new organization.
And it’s a perfect time to define the thoughts, beliefs, qualities, habits and mindset that you are bringing to the table. In your past experience, what were the thoughts, habits, attitude that held you back? What needs to be cleaned up now in order to allow you to thrive?
The process is also about identifying and decoding your new environment : who are the key players, where are the power dynamics, how will you communicate and establish trustful relationships, how will you influence your team and organization in a way that is aligned with your new values? And what are your new values, the values that truly define your leadership?
There are essential distinctions to become aware to, such as: having expectations or making clear agreements, leading or care-taking, speaking straight or hiding in the back of the room.
Learning to lead yourself goes hand in hand with leading others.
Speak to me if you’re curious to empower yourself or your team with my Executive Leadership Programme.
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