From perception to perspective

You’re driving a lushy road in the hills above Cairns. The tropical temperature is perfect with delicious tropical smells. Suddenly, in the nearby bushes, you see an enormous, sumptuous big bird about to cross the road just a couple meters before you. An emu! In a nanosecond, your entire body starts reacting. Your pulse quickens, […]
What is your internal clock saying ?

There’s a lot of conversations about the start of the year – your resolutions, your vision for 2024, your new routine. I believe that, concerning all acts of initiative or creation (quoting Goethe), nothing really happens outside of your own thinking. And your own clock. It doesn’t matter if it’s January, August, or November. The […]
When I married the love of my life…

Personal post. Today I want to share about my own experience of being powerfully coached. “Great coaches have coaches” as Steve Chandler says. And coaching can include any area where we want to BE the change whether in your life, health, business, relationships, family, money, you name it. In 2021, after creating a flourishing coaching […]
Beauty, said Audrey Hepburn…

“Beauty, as Audrey Hepburn said, is “being the best version of yourself both inside and outside.” ✨Outside? You can pamper and dress up and wear lipstick or do whatever beauty means for you. (I actually don’t wear lipstick often. And I didn’t buy this dress) ✨Inside? It’s about shining your light and Being who you […]
Goal Line or Soul Line?

Today I’d like to share this important distinction, the difference between Goal Line and Soul Line. Goal line is about achieving external goals: money, career, social status, physical appearance, house, cars… Soul line says: “What you have will never make you happy. Who you become can make it either miserable or blissful. Who are […]
An acknowledgment: Isabelle Nicolas

An acknowledgement to the brilliant people in my life, Isabelle Nicolas-Johnson this is for you. You are a light, a creator and a wonderful leader. You share your heart and mind so generously with others, you’re always open to new ideas and new people, you face life’s obstacles with courage, grace and power and you […]
Slowing down this Summer

“Slowing it down is not an option, it’s a requirement for any entrepreneur” is what I declared a couple months earlier. Easier said than done! Why would I stop doing something that brings such great joy and adds value to other people’s lives? Today as I am traveling and discovering New York, I am reflecting […]
Safety, Value and Power

Where is the Source of your Safety, Value and Power? One of my greatest joys in life is watching my clients grow their self-leadership and find their SAFETY, VALUE and POWER INSIDE instead of trying to get them from the external world. This self-reliance is something I learnt from myself over the years and it’s […]
Poetry Thursday, Goethe on Commitment

Let’s talk about Commitment and its inherent Magic. I often hear hesitation and doubts when my clients talk about a dream or a goal that they want to achieve. Even though they’ve already overcome significant obstacles in their life, they let self-doubt stop them from taking action, trying to figure everthing out before even trying. […]
Celebrate your achievements

So today was the last class of Self-Leadership and Influence at the Geneva Business School for the Spring semester. And after two days of high fever I am so glad I made it today. The students final group presentations topics were pertinent and brilliantly presented. They covered:– Introverts, Extraverts and Self-Leadership– Anxiety– Adrenaline– Stress-management, prioritizing […]