Falling in Love (with incremental habits)

Good morning and Happy Fall Equinox! Let’s “Fall in Love”… If you’re anything like me, you love Fall because Fall reminds us that change happens all the time. Each day. Incrementally. A tree. Day after day the leaves change colour. Yellow, red, brown. Whirl and reach the ground. And transform. Incremental change. Small habits. Small […]

Why you could talk to yourself with love

“Really, do you do this yourself ? You wake up and look in the mirror and say “good morning my love, did you sleep well?” My client stared at me with a look of disbelief. As if we were talking about a strange thing. If you find this weird too, here is my question: Why […]

Eight ways to create resilience and self-leadership

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. ” — Oprah Winfrey.  Last week I was asked to share my favourite tips to increase resilience and self-leadership – which include self-esteem, motivation, energy, and mental, physical, emotional health. This is what came up for me: 1) Remember your heroe’s journey: Make […]

Your personnality is NOT permanent

You don’t have a fixed personnality. Any label you put on yourself is just a label but it’s not permanent. Today I want to share the story of a super coachable client, Olivia who transformed the way she sees herself and relates with herslef (and others). Last Summer, Olivia was convinced that she had a […]

What makes you feel successful ?

This story is called “The pink coloured glasses” and today I want to share about how I have been working with this brilliant client who said: “I am successful but I don’t feel it! I have a loving husband, two adorable kids, I created my own company with 10 people working for me yet I […]

How can you be happy and resilient in a world going bonkers?

Spring has sprung, can you believe it ? But the real question is: “In a world going bonkers, how can you be happy and resilient ?” More than ever, the planet needs happy and resilient people, isn’t it ? So let’s talk about this today. Do you know what’s the major internal obstacle to being happy and resilient? […]

Are you an energy addict, like me? I just recovered!

Over time I came to learn that this high energy, highly enthusiastic, ecstatic, “Tony Robbins – like” excitement is not really sustainable over a long period of time. This high flame that we call “rajas” in the yoga world would lead to tensions, exhaustion and burn out. Instead, I have learnt to create a more […]

So what is your End of Year ritual?

So what is your New Year Ritual about? Do you have any? I mean, apart from the usual New Year’s Eve party? Rituals mark important moments in our our life. Rituals speak to our unconscious and resonate with the deepest part of our Being. This is why we, humans, have created rituals. And what is […]

What is the remedy to the Impostor Syndrome?

You may agree or not, but I believe that the “Impostor Syndrome” is just a mental construct, a trick from the ego. I’d rather call this a “distracted mind” or “lack of presence”. Why? Because the so-called « Impostor Syndrome » is merely a self-focused internal dialogue. Imagine a situation where you are talking with […]

Are you Friends with your Body?

“Your Body is your Temple– let that stir your Heart and Soul to a place of awe and thankfulness” Corinthians, 1/6 Are you Friends with your Body? Why not? What do you believe about your Body? Your Body is your Gift. It’s always here with you. Here and Now. It never lies. It tells you the truth. It sends […]