Seven simples ways to get your energy back

I cannot help but share, with her permission, the golden nuggets that my brilliant CFO client came up with when I asked: ”After this tiring week, how will you get your energy back? ” Here are 7 Simple Ways to get your Energy Back or, as Leonardo da Vinci once said: “Simplicity is the ultimate […]
Values are verbs

Looking at the values that make my life meaningful I noticed that they are verbs, they are based on ACTION. Loving. Learning. Getting inspired. Inspiring others. Teaching. Sharing Joy. Moving the Body. And last but not least: Cultivating Presence, moment after moment. Presence, as the foundation of Being. What are the values that make your […]
Are you a Creator or Reactor?

C. R. E. A. T. E. or R. E. A. C. T.? These words have the same letters, the only difference is the E for Energy. Are you a Creator or a Reactor when you start the day? Each morning you can either Create yourself, your emotional state, your energy, awaken your body and mind, […]

Handwriting? Yes please! I have always loved to write with pen and paper, and even for work I have piles of notebooks with my clients sessions notes, journals, notepads handbooks, post-its of course, all in paper. Using my hand to create my own handwriting is fulfilling and helps me process my thinking. I can scribble, […]
What do you focus on? Where focus goes energy flows.

“Most of the negative things that I had imagined or feared actually never happened, not even 10% of them”, said my (brilliant) client at end of our four months coaching programme. This is a gem. A golden nugget. A great insight! Bravo! And it’s true for all of us, humans. Most of our negative imaginary […]
Allow yourself to be a beginner. Again and again.

Today I started teaching a three months HR Management Course at the Geneva Business School, Wow! Learnt a lot. The challenge of remembering 23 new names and faces. 23 new human beings to connect with. Hybrid format both online and face to face. And mostly, elevating the students’ energy from “I am passively listening” to […]
Are your Expectations working for you?

Are you having (unmet) expectations? Often? How is this working for you? The best way to find out whether you had any expectations (on someone saying or doing something or on things going a certain way) is to ask yourself: – what did I feel disappointed about lately? – where did I feel frustrated? – […]
Little Hacks to live with more Joy

“I can’t change my circumstances for now, so how can I live with more joy and inner peace?” This is a frequent question I get from my clients this Winter, and it is a powerful one, because it brings the locus of control inside: you are the origin of the emotions that you want to feel. Not your circumstances. You […]
Before setting new goals for 2023….

Before setting new goals for the new year, have you paused a minute to reflect and celebrate your 2022 successes ? As entrepreneurs, few of us take the time for self-acknowledgement, and this is why I had the immense joy to gather a couple of my wonderful clients today for a “Celebrating your Achievements” Morning […]
A breakthrough – Charles’s journey

This graph speaks by itself, right? October 2020: Charles was dedicated to his high-level job and work, work, work was the centre of his life. He hardly had enough time to do anything else. Day in, day out, all his energy was going in one direction. So couldn’t see who he really was, he had […]