It takes a Village, they say…

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a community to grow a business. Next to Kamin Samuel, PhD’s guidance, there is this incredible community of coaches created by Steve Chandler, also known as the Godfather of Coaching that I want to acknowledge today. Steve is an author, speaker, and force of […]

My BIG Coming out!

Lately, I’ve shared a few testimonials from my clients, and today I want to reveal the source of my inspiration because I have been holding back for too long! My success in helping clients transform their lives hasn’t happened overnight; I’ve learned from the best mentors and coaches ever! (And none of them are ICF […]

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

Coaches here! Let’s be careful not to over-identify with one single methodology or approach, and not to impose our preferred lens on our client’s reality. This can be a blind spot. First, we need to make sure we speak the same language as our clients. Are they feeling seen, heard and valued? Can we see […]

Corporate Training Day for 50 people

Yesterday was epic and exhilarating! I facilitated a full day training for fifty educators and teachers working with disabled children. The challenge? A sensitive context. The gifts ? Great receptivity, openness and participation, rich discussions. The results? A common language for them with increased awareness, understanding, connection and engagement within the team. We talked about […]

From exhaustion to professional rebirth

There are seasons in your professional life. From November to March, the recurring topics for my clients worked were mental and emotional exhaustion, burn-out, confusion, feeling stuck, and finally finding strength and resilience to leave an unhealthy work environment in the most empowering way possible. This Spring, my clients have been starting their new professional […]

Nine Ways to Boost Your Self-Esteem

1) Remember your hero’s journey: What have you overcome in life so far? Write your own story. 2) Define your highest priority for the next 3-6 months, what do you really really want and why do you want it? 3) Morning gratitude practice (journaling): What are you grateful for, what do you love, and who […]

You must share yourself!

“You must share yourself. It’s selfish to keep everything inside.” Conversation with an extraordinary woman: Dr. Kyriaki Chatziioannidou Last month had the immense privilege to interview Dr. Kyriaki Chatziioannidou, Senior Surgeon and Head of Gynecology and Obstetrics at Hopital de Nyon. As an NLP Coach and a Life Coach, I am passionate about what drives […]

Be your own Love. Forget Valentine!

Be Your own Love. Forget Valentine! This is a rant against what I consider as an extremely boring, artificial and superficial day. Valentine is about everything but love. Valentine creates stress, pressure, competition and comparisons about having a date, buying or receiving flowers, cards, being invited or booking a restaurant, it is about “getting” attention […]

Leadership for Women Masterclass

I guided a brilliant group in my Leadership Masterclass yesterday and got amazed by the quality of awareness, clarity and growth that emerges when women gather for upliftment. We slowed down. We listened. We had real, vulnerable, powerful conversations in a safe space filled with trust and openness. When one person makes a small shift […]

The Trap of Being Passionate: My Epic Failure at Self-Care

As a Life Coach and Yoga Teacher, my definition of Work Life balance always included healthy habits such as: nature walks, dancing, social time, meditation, playing, cooking, reading, taking naps… So that I would keep my energy cup full to the brim. Well, to be honest this week l EPICALLY FAILED at this ! And […]