Lead like Minerva!

Lead Like Minerva: The Goddess of Wisdom & Strategy  In ancient Rome, power wasn’t just about brute force. It was about intelligence, vision, and playing the long game.   And no one embodied this more than Minerva, the Goddess of Wisdom, Leadership and Warfare, known for her sharp mind and strategic brilliance.   Unlike Mars, […]

Bet on Yourself!

Do you think life is based on safety and have a cycle of “when x happens, then I will y”? Or : “Once I got this thing, then I’ll do that?” How is that working for you, and where else is that showing up in your life? Do you want to continue like that? Here’s […]

The little things matter so much

My husband is the Ultimate Gentleman – and today, he reminded me just how much the little things matter both at home and at work 🥰 When I walked into my favorite spot this morning, ready to start my day, I was greeted with the most thoughtful surprise: a handwritten card, a mini coffee tree, […]

This Question will change your Life

I’ve been coaching professionally since 2018, and over the years, I’ve identified two kinds of people. CREATORS: They know what they want. They know that THEY are the reason why they don’t get what they want. They question themselves, learn new ways of thinking and speaking, try different strategies. They get into action until they […]

This is not about Work. This is about Life

I just got back from a celebration weekend in Rome, where the golden light and timeless beauty whispered to me: “Amrita, slow down. Life is for living. Your life is so much bigger than your work, in fact, it’s your life that feeds your work. Not the other way around. Let me repeat it: Your […]

The Power is in the Listener

During our long journey from Tuscany to Geneva, my husband and I got to listen to an enlightening Masterclass by Ankush Jain and Steve Hardison. The session was rich with insights, and I can’t help but sharing some gold nuggets that we received: ✨ Applied Knowledge is Power: It’s not enough to simply possess knowledge; […]

Leadership & Waste Management!

🚀 This morning I stepped out of my comfort zone to teach a tailored Leadership & Communication Workshop for a major player in the waste management and recycling industry. Not my typical environment—and yet, I had an absolute blast! Teaching is one of my happy places, and today was no exception. This course also marks […]

It takes a Village, they say…

It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes a community to grow a business. Next to Kamin Samuel, PhD’s guidance, there is this incredible community of coaches created by Steve Chandler, also known as the Godfather of Coaching that I want to acknowledge today. Steve is an author, speaker, and force of […]

My BIG Coming out!

Lately, I’ve shared a few testimonials from my clients, and today I want to reveal the source of my inspiration because I have been holding back for too long! My success in helping clients transform their lives hasn’t happened overnight; I’ve learned from the best mentors and coaches ever! (And none of them are ICF […]

If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail

Coaches here! Let’s be careful not to over-identify with one single methodology or approach, and not to impose our preferred lens on our client’s reality. This can be a blind spot. First, we need to make sure we speak the same language as our clients. Are they feeling seen, heard and valued? Can we see […]