Leadership & Waste Management!

🚀 This morning I stepped out of my comfort zone to teach a tailored Leadership & Communication Workshop for a major player in the waste management and recycling industry. Not my typical environment—and yet, I had an absolute blast! Teaching is one of my happy places, and today was no exception. This course also marks my fifth training this semester, each one bringing new insights and growth.

🔑 Our workshop was inspired by a number of Steve Chandler’s Leadership distinctions and by Lloyd Fickett’s Collaborative Way powerful principles. We explored listening with generosity, owning personal responsibility, speaking straight, supporting each other, and fostering mutual appreciation. Not familiar with these principles? Get the book – these principles are gold!

🌟 We also integrated the Ikigai approach adapted for the corporate world, to help leaders discover their strengths, rekindle their motivation and realign with their corporate mission.

🧠 Finally, using NLP techniques, we harnessed the power of both the left and right brain, since we have experienced that adding this holistic approach allows people to combine logical thinking with creativity and empathy, fostering more creative and solutions and out-of-the box thinking.

💪 I want to acknowledge each participant for their open mind and active engagement. Their level of honesty with each other was proportional to the strength of their trust and cohesion. I was so pleased to see them complete the workshop with a renewed sense of purpose, eager to take action and implement their new insights, and committed to creating meaningful change within their organization.

🌐 To all readers here whether you are HR professionals, CEOs, executives or entrepreneurs: remember that investing in leadership and communication
is a strategic investment in your company’s future.

🔗 If you believe in the power of continuous learning and personal responsibility, let’s connect and continue the conversation on driving success in our organizations!
#Leadershipdevelopment #NLPcoach #Mindsetcoach #Corporatecommunication #Executivecoaching

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