Eight ways to create resilience and self-leadership

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. ” — Oprah Winfrey. 

Last week I was asked to share my favourite tips to increase resilience and self-leadership – which include self-esteem, motivation, energy, and mental, physical, emotional health.

This is what came up for me:

1) Remember your heroe’s journey: Make a list of all your achievements, personal and professional, including the challenges you have overcome. Acknowledge yourself. Celebrate yourself!

2) Define your highest priority for the next 3-6 months, what do you really want and why is this important for you?

3) Morning gratitude practice: Ask yourself questions to remember who you love, what you are committed to and what you feel grateful for. Send love and gratitude to your body and all your cells.

4) Feed your Heart: reach out and connect with at least 3 people that you love each day – connection is the most essential human need.

5) Move your Body: create a movement-based morning or evening routine and stick with it at least for 21 days. You will activate your right brain, generating new ideas.

6) Feed your Mind: read inspiring books or articles, listen to inspiring talks or audiobooks at least 30 minutes a day.

7) Meditation or a right brain activity: playing, music, art, walking in nature, time with kids, etc.

8) Remember “what went well” each day and acknowledge yourself before going to sleep.

What would you add? Let me know !

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