I’ve been coaching professionally since 2018, and over the years, I’ve identified two kinds of people.
CREATORS: They know what they want. They know that THEY are the reason why they don’t get what they want. They question themselves, learn new ways of thinking and speaking, try different strategies. They get into action until they get what they want.
One of them, X, is just about to sign for a BIG professional role (X, you know who you are, and I celebrate you!)
REACTORS: They know what they want. Yet they believe that the reason why they don’t have what they want is… out there.
They believe that other people, time, life or external circumstances are the issue.
Or worse, they believe some limiting stories of “I am not enough.”
This kind of inner stance is painful.
I used to be a reactor too, frustrated and blaming my circumstances, or myself.
What helped me change my inner stance was making the decision to OWN my life. I began building the muscle of personal responsibility, combined with self-esteem, self-belief, and consistent action.
I hired mentors and coaches who guided me in creating a NEW PARADIGM.
To see life differently and then live life differently.
And there’s nothing I’ve done that anyone else can’t do. Transformation is possible for every one of us.
But first, you have to decide that you are going to give energy and time to this thing you say you want.
Here’s a fundamental question to reflect on:
“What is the benefit to NOT having this thing, that you say you want?”
Because there is ALWAYS a benefit to you not getting it.
If you reflect on this question long enough, you’ll find out what’s the real issue here. You can even have a breakthrough.
Talk to me if you’d like help to dig deeper.
#nlpcoaching #creatorvsreactor #selfleadership #leadershipcoach #mindsetshift