Are your Expectations working for you?

Are you having (unmet) expectations? Often? How is this working for you?

The best way to find out whether you had any expectations (on someone saying or doing something or on things going a certain way) is to ask yourself:

– what did I feel disappointed about lately?

– where did I feel frustrated?

– and then listen.

– remember that expectations are a heavy thing to put on someone else’s shoulders and they only lead to disappointment and frustration.

So what to do instead?

You can decide to make clear agreements. Yes. An agreement is when you make a clear request and you receive a clear answer. And the other person agrees clearly.

If you feel disappointed or resentful it may be that you haven’t asked for what what important for you. And you silently secretly expected things to go your way.

Healthy relationships include making agreements. And even ahead of that, it’s about asking for what you want (and let the other person be free to answer)…

Wanna talk more about making agreements and improving connection with your loved ones?

Happy Monday!

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