Over time I came to learn that this high energy, highly enthusiastic, ecstatic, “Tony Robbins – like” excitement is not really sustainable over a long period of time. This high flame that we call “rajas” in the yoga world would lead to tensions, exhaustion and burn out.
Instead, I have learnt to create a more enduring and sustainable energy state which includes peace, stability, centerdness, clarity, trust and contentment. This energy state (“sattwa”) is more pervasive and sustainable.
So when is it really helpful to create a a state of high energy, excitement, “rajas”? To move out of lethargy, depression, stuckness, these low level vibrations that we call “tamas”. Then, getting excited shifts the energy and allows to create momentum, which helps then to create change.
With my coaching clients I often start using high energy to create momentum, and then we transition towards more pervasive and enduring energy states. Clarity, contentment, self-worth, self-confidence, they learn the skills to navigate their emotional world, in a constantly changing world.
Are your curious to learn more about energy and emotions management? Write to me.
PS: This is a fabulous book I just received – you may want to read it asap!