Remember: You Are Magic.

Five years? Yes! This is my fifth year with my coach. Coaching has become a fixed cost, or more accurately, a fixed high-return investment.

Five years ago, my reality was different.
I was recovering from childless grief, a pre-burnout, I had just been fired (an answer to a hidden prayer).

And I hired my coach.

Five years later?

I’ve grown a six-figures coaching business from scratch.
I transformed my relationship with my family. Resolved health issues.
I created multiple events, workshops and trainings.
I’ve coached a number of clients way more brilliant and successful than me.
I met and married the love of my life.
Learnt, and still learning, to be a stepmom in a blended family.
Created a lifestyle where I travel and visit Rome, my second home, multiple times a year.

Now, don’t get me wrong.

My coach doesn’t tell me what to do or fix my problems (this is not what coaching is about).

But she’s in my corner. On top of inspiring me, witnessing and supporting my evolution, she calls me back into my MAGIC, over and over again.

Because I forget.

We humans forget that we are MAGIC. We get distracted.

Our mind, unattended, stays in its comfort zone. You can still live in survival mode even when you are safe.

Rings a bell?

My coach asked me:

“What’s your bigger game?”

Me: My bigger game is actually an inner game, having an expanded sense of peace in me, no matter what occurs.

Coach: Okay, imagine you have this peace. With it, how are you conducting your life? What does a life of magic, fantasy, and adventure, where you are the main character, look like?

I didn’t know!! I had no answer.

I love my life as it is.

And YET, I know this is not the end game. There is room to play bigger.

Do I need to know exactly what my next level looks like?


And I’m not THERE yet.

And if I remove the “T” in THERE, I get to be fully…


And I can continue to follow my JOY, energy levels and enthusiasm, which reflects my alignment. And keep serving, playing, trying new things.

I don’t need to have it all figured out now.

Neither do YOU.

Wealth, health, relationships, there’s always a next level.

And sometimes, the priority isn’t to “know”, it is to deeply appreciate what already is: right here.

And you are fully here, you expand.

Not from a place of lack, but from a place of wholeness.

That’s why I believe in the long game, and coaching is a fixed investment. I don’t need coaching, I choose it. I love being coached.

PS: This picture is here because in just a couple weeks I’m taking my clients to The Rome Experience, a Leadership for Women Coaching immersion. We’ll tap into the wisdom, strength, and influence of powerful female archetypes of Roman mythology, and we’ll go deep.
Rome Magic in action!

TheRomeExperience LeadershipForWomen Coaching SelfLeadership WomensLeadership Lifelonglearner Nextlevel TheLongGame


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