So what is your End of Year ritual?

So what is your New Year Ritual about? Do you have any? I mean, apart from the usual New Year’s Eve party?

Rituals mark important moments in our our life. Rituals speak to our unconscious and resonate with the deepest part of our Being. This is why we, humans, have created rituals. And what is a ritual? An intention followed by an action.

Yesterday I came to realize that this year, my New Year ritual would be different than what it usually is.

“Usually” (will this word be ever used again?) for New Year I travel to Italy for a 4 days Retreat of Meditation and Dance, and together with 50 other Seekers we focus on what has been beautiful, what was helpful, what we let go of and what we want to invite while being guided through a series of rituals, dances, sharings and meditations.

The Dance Retreat in Italy was cancelled so I am the one to choose and create these rituals now, right?

So here is what I see happening, and you may find inspiration or not in what follows.

On the day of 31st December I will go on a long nature walk in the forest and the fields, overlooking our beautiful lake and mountains. While walking and feeling grateful to Nature I will reflect on 2021, month by month and celebrate the highlights of the year. I had already selected these highlights a few weeks ago but I didn’t take time to FEEL them. So I will acknowledge the highlights and who I have become today compared to one year ago. I will celebrate the progress, value the insights and feel grateful for all the Love and the Light that I received in so many forms and so many ways.

In the evening I will join my Italian friends for an Italian dinner. Sharing a wonderful meal with a joyous bunch of people will be fun… At midnight or just in the first minute of January 2022 I will thank Existence for being alive here and now. Then I will join the usual ritual to hug and kiss each other (we will all be tested!) and I will send love and blessings to my friends and family in all the corners of the planet. I mean, not just with Whatsapp, I will send this from my Heart first 

The morning of 1st January 2022 will start with a 45 minutes wave of Five Rythms dance. I will be moving, breathing, listening feeling and maybe even singing all the dreams and the vision of 2002… Everything I want to create and invite in my life in 2022. I will recommit to serving, inspiring, loving and elevating people in my life, including myself. I will thank my ancestors and bless the future generations. And then I will go and create this new day, this new year, making each day a Master Piece (or Peace?)

As one of my amazing clients said yesterday: in the end, what our Life is really about is the amount of love and connection that we share along the way.

Have a Blessed end of the Year and a smooth transition into 2022.

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