“All you are is change, change is all you are” – John Overdurf.
Autumn is my favorite season and maybe just like you, I am more mindful in Autumn, because change is visible, change is delightful, and it’s easy to watch it happening in Nature. Especially in the forest where leaves turn yellow, orange, red before and detach from the trees, before gracefully whirling and dancing in the air and then landing on the ground, creating a yellow, humid and smooth carpet to walk on.
This colourful scene of transforming nature happening daily makes it easy in Autumn to stay aware that …
Change is all we are. That all we are is change.
And this is why I love Autumn, a season to remember what is important. Each day is a gift. Each day we change a little.
Isn’t it fascinating? Though change keeps happening daily all year long, when we can’t see it with our eyes we tend to forgetthat it does. And there is so much more happening around us and within us than what we just see.
We are part of nature, we are part of this process, and each day, we change a little. Knowing that this is inevitable, what kind of change would you like to create?