« I feel invisible, unwanted and unworthy. I don’t want people to see me. And I have a problem with money, so whenever I have to pay a bill, I feel a deep shame and guilt. I know that comes from my parents. And I am broke, I have no job, something has to change. »
This is how our session started. This beautiful, elegant grey-haired lady, also trained as an NLP Practitioner had lost touch with her resources, and needed support.
Instead of analyzing the old story of what happened with her parents in the past, I helped her readjust her timeline representation (using the amazing method I learnt with Dick Harbers QH) and immediately after, I invited her to describe what her Dream Life would look like, once she has resolved her issue.
« A new house, financial wealth, the freedom to travel (and visit Switzerland!), picking the best food and fancy hotels, spoiling my grandsons » Her energy was shifting and she was getting excited .
Then I asked « Which resources do you already have now that will help you create this Life that you want to for yourself? »
She started to realize that she wasn’t helpless, and that she knew exactly which step she could take in order to start making money again.
One of her resources was that she was a fan of Tony-freaking-Robbins (just like me!) and when I asked her « What would your body posture feel like if Tony Robbins was watching you now? » then her whole physiology shifted, and her mindset too. She said « I know that all I have to do is connect to Source and align myself with who I really am. I have done this in the past! Now, it’s as if this unworthiness was falling off my body, like a grey old piece of cloth.
After she thanked the old grey piece of cloth for falling off her body I asked, « So instead of this cloth, what is there now? «
A silk kimono, with many colours, and it feels bright and light, and I see a bright future ». « Wonderful! So you can wrap yourself with this colourful, bright and light kimono » and she went on enjoying the sensation of being bright and light- Then I invited her to spread the kimono’s colours all around her, and to sprinkle them through her future timeline, her past timeline, above and beyond.
She ended the session looking younger, smiling, with shiny eyes, glowing, energetically transformed, excited as she said these important words:
« Money is a part of my Being, it’s light, it’s bright, I can see it and I can feel it. And now the shame is gone, so I want to be with my family, connect to Source. I can see my healthcare business flourish. I know I can do this ». A few days later, she said she didn’t need Coaching sessions anymore because she landed a new job.
The power of QH metaphors. The power of using the Unconscious to shift mental representations. I love NLP.