How Yoga helps coming back home

In a time where society and social media keep distracting us from our immediate physical reality, where our minds tend to wander all over the place day in, day out, I find essential to bring the attention back to the our primary existential vessels: body, breath, movement, space. Here, now and inside.

Focusing on the immediate and felt sense reality of physical perceptions and breath creates the ground for the process of coming back to ourselves, to our center, and to whatever experience is available now. I have experienced Yoga and Meditation as a powerful anchor in my life, helping me face adversity and replant my roots more than once, creating an internal sense of « coming back home ». The practice is not a quick fix but a repeated encounter with myself – a mirror reflecting what is, so I learn to respond to life challenges from a place of awareness instead of a place of reactivity. And this process is not linear, but like a spiral.

My motto : « Yoga is for everybody, and yoga adapts to you, not the other way around. » My students love the way I make yoga accessible for them, no matter their situation. They appreciate its harmonious flow and progressive intensity, as well as the grounding and sattvic (pacifying) conclusion. I usually teach a short yoga nidra during savasana. The yoga nidra part can last longer, depending on the student’s needs.

Over the last 5 years, I have specialized in teaching individual classes. What a joy to witness a shift in the body perception after just a few hours, and a shift in the student’s daily life after just a few weeks. Are you curious to try a class with me? I am here (in Geneva for now)… Come as you are.

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