Boundaries: Not a Luxury, but Leadership

On my organic and not marketized Instagram account, I love sharing real insights from my clients. This week’s topic? BOUNDARIES.

Because setting boundaries is not a luxury, it’s an essential leadership skill.

And boundaries are not just about saying “no” to meetings!

Boundaries are about self-respect, self-esteem, energy management, time management, mental health and clarity.

Their practice (or their absence!) defines how we show up in our personal life and at work.

There is a book I highly recommend, “The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem” by Dr. Nathaniel Branden, Canadian therapist, pioneer in self-esteem psychology. He offers a “stem sentences” exercice to help people imagine doing things differently, but just 5% at a time.

5% at a time. Laughably doable, isn’t it?

Strengthening your inner authority through small, consistent shifts of 5% works.

Using Dr. Branden’s approach, I asked my clients:

“If you decided to set 5% more boundaries in your work life today, what would you say or do differently?”

Their insights:

✅ Prioritizing self-care: no more self-sacrifice.
✅ Letting go of power games.
✅ Stepping away from gossiping, complaining and sharing victim stories.
✅ Detaching from fixing others’ problems, it’s not my job!
✅ Creating space for my energy and health: lunch breaks, daily walks, social connections
✅ Feeling okay (not guilty) not being reachable by phone or email
✅ Slowing down and pausing before saying yes or no

And last but not least:

giving myself the recognition and the validation that I was craving for, on a regular basis.

When you honor your needs and respect your limits, you inspire others to do the same.

What’s one 5% shift you can make this week to set stronger boundaries in your work or personal life?

Leadership Boundaries Energymanagement PersonalGrowth effectivecommunication mentalhealth


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