Are you Friends with your Body?

“Your Body is your Temple– let that stir your Heart and Soul to a place of awe and thankfulness” Corinthians, 1/6

Are you Friends with your Body?

Why not? What do you believe about your Body?

Your Body is your Gift. It’s always here with you. Here and Now. It never lies. It tells you the truth. It sends you messages all the time and looks after yourself 24h/24.

Your 5 senses are part of the Body. How would you enjoy life without the senses?

Society doesn’t help to make friends with our Body. We are invaded by ideals, standards, rules and clichés giving the illusion that what matters is what we SEE in the mirror – our physical appearance, when what really matters is what we FEEL from the inside.

There is also a myth that the Mind is superior to the Body and is more trustworthy. But the mind, or thinking process, is a function of the brain that is the body. The brain produces 60’000 thoughts a day so without a brain there wouldn’t be any «mind». Your Mind is IN your Body.

Many people live outside of their Body and treat it as something external, almost a stranger.

This state of disconnection is a painful way to live!

Funny enough, children don’t have this problem. Children love every bodily part of themselves. They haven’t created this distinction between the «parts» of the body they love or not. They may receive it later as part of our adult conditioning. But this conditioning can be changed!

So, how to make friends with your Body (again)?

1- Start with your breath.

Take a deep breath in, fill your lungs with air and exhale completely. Inhale again, let the breath penetrate all the way to your lower belly, now exhale and empty your lungs.

Go ahead and add a few seconds’ breath suspension between the inhale and the exhale. How do you feel now? Energized?

2- Second, THANK IT.

Thank your own Body. Close your eyes and send your Body a huge Wave of Love and Gratitude for everything it does for you. Then notice what happens after you thanked your body. You may notice something new, as your body may answer in some way…Enjoy!

Science has proven that your cells respond to your intentions and what you say to yourself. So when you talk to your body in a loving way, you improve your capacity to heal, process, self-regulate, and thrive!

3- Third, how can you NOT be thankful to your Body knowing that it is doing SO MUCH for you all the time?


  • Your heart beats 150’000 times a day, keeping you alive and you don’t even have to say thank you!
  • Your eyes blink about 14,400 – 19,200 times a day to keep your eyes stay most, oxygenated and clean.
  • Your body replaces about 330 billions cells each day!
  • Your body has a natural ability to self-heal, how amazing!
  • And when something is wrong the Body sends a signal.

You have received a unique Body with its unique DNA, programmes, transgenerational cellular memory, strengths and weaknesses, preferences and optimal way to function. Your Body is a wonderful, sophisticated system which is always communicating with you and wants to be listened to.

4- Last but not least, here is a fourth step to reconnect with your body:

Move daily. Consciously move your body on a daily basis – being present, feeling and enjoying it. Work out or walk, run, dance, swim, workout, bike or shake, do martial arts …  move any way you love.

The body loves to move!

Moving the body brings you back to Here and Now. It’s the quickest way to find your natural joy and aliveness again. 

If you are willing to listen, your Body sends you messages all the time about your physical, mental or emotional needs. Your breath reveals your emotions, your numbness or excitement, you can tell if there lightness or heaviness, sadness or happiness, ease or discomfort, the Body communicates all the time.

When something is good for you, or when you like someone, your body knows. The body knows only two answers, yes or no. It’s the mind that creates all kinds of nuances. But the body knows immediately and it is a yes or a no.

The deeper you connect to what your unique body really needs, the more you can live a fulfilling, sensory rich, sensual Life.

Are you ready to make friends with your Body, connect with your physical and emotional needs, your sense of boundaries, trust, intuition, self love and much more?

Then let’s have a conversation.

“Now just feel me, listen to me, trust me and give me respect, care, love, gratitude and forgiveness. I will take care of you as long as I am alive”. The Body

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